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Toronto The Global Hub For International Students

Why Is Toronto The Global Hub For International Students

Many students from different corners of the world enroll in the top educational institutions in Toronto. Read on to know why Toronto is popular for education.

Why Is Toronto The Global Hub For International Students?

In recent years Canada has become the most lucrative destination for study visa aspirants. It is because Toronto has numerous opportunities for personal and professional development along with professional contacts. In addition, Canada can offer many liquid schemes, so it has become the most preferred country for settlement for foreign students.

In Canada, there are many options like Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, and so on. Out of these places, Toronto happens to be the best place to live and develop one’s career. It is possible because of the numerous Stella universities that it hosts. In addition, Toronto is located right beside the shore of Lake Ontario and is also the capital city of Ontario.

Toronto is home to multiple cultures, and it has immigrants from all across the globe. The city has been ranked at the 13th position in a study for the best city for international students. The reason is Toronto happens to be a global hub for international studies.

High-quality International Universities

Toronto is not only home to numerous prestigious world-level institutes, but it also has the order of having the highest graduate employability rate. A lot of universities are comparable established universities of Europe and the United States. According to experts, Toronto is regarded as a leading student-centric city in the world. Students prefer to study in Toronto since it has a range of industries like photography, engineering, journalism, business management, visual arts, and so on.

Multicultural Society

Since the last few decades, people from all across the globe from various walks of life having different cultures have settled down in Toronto. As a result of the diverse culture, there are a lot of opportunities for students in Toronto to broaden their horizons. It is possible to learn a lot of things by interacting with people from various backgrounds. Due to such kind of exposure, students can enhance their perception and learn other things like a new language such as French, which is also the official language of Canada.

Job Opportunities

The government of Canada has a provision for students that allows them to take up part-time work. It is a huge blessing for international students since they can cover the study expenses. In addition, many students come to Canada for studies through education loans. Earning while studying makes it easy for them to pay back the loan.

Also, several organizations offer creative employment to the students who come to Toronto. The business houses are always searching for potential talent from the various universities across Canada.

Accommodation Options

In Toronto, there are a lot of options to choose from. The various online accommodation search websites can help students to choose as per their choice. However, the most common approach is double accommodation since it is possible to divide the rent. That way, the expense is reduced.

Toronto The Global Hub For International Students

Transportation Options

One of the ways to save money in Toronto is using public transport. Almost all the transport systems across support electronic payment facility thereby making it convenient to travel. The most significant advantage is there is no need to carry cash.

No doubt, Toronto is among the most convenient places for international students. There is adequate scope for volunteering to internship to full-time employment. Moreover, it is a land that is full of opportunities and facilities that can benefit international students.

If you are looking for Canada study visa agents in Ludhiana, this is right place.

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Beginner's Guide To Studying In Canada

Beginner’s Guide To Studying In Canada

Beginner's Guide To Studying In Canada

Canada offers the best quality education that opens up numerous career opportunities for students from all over the world. Here’s how:

Whether you have a dream of playing ice hockey on a frozen lake or would like to take part in a mentoring program, you can all make that happen in Canada. It is a brilliant country that you can use as a stepping stone to enhance your career or go for an exciting exploration of the beautiful countryside.

How Can Studying In Canada Help Enhance The Carrier

Only a handful of countries can prepare students for a better life, and Canada happens to be one of them. The Canadian universities extend an excellent work-study program for students from all over the world. It not only gives them much needed invaluable experience but also a bilingual study experience. The only thing that makes Canada different from the rest of the other countries is the high quality of education. Out of the top 300 QS World University rankings, the first thirteen are occupied by Canadian universities.

Canada is a country where all meaningful documents are prepared in English or French. So even if you are enrolled in an English speaking University, you will come across the French language at various points. Having sound knowledge of a second language can go a long way to set your path from others when pursuing a job. For example, the University of Ottawa pro-actively encourages students to learn French. It even has a bilingualism centre for practicing other languages.

Co-op programs

The most useful thing that a student can possible get by studying at a Canadian University is the co-op programmes offered by the various universities. These programs extend the much needed opportunity to get a real feel of how working life is like through the period at the institution. In most of cases, a semester of studying is followed by a semester of working. Students are eligible for such programs once they move to the second year. Businesses prefer to hire co-op students since they are a step ahead of those who are not.

Work Study Program

The work study program extended by the Canadian universities can be sought through the university for finding work while studying. It is done by organizing on-campus work positions to market the graduates as much as possible. It is a practical approach to promote and prepare the graduates for employers.

Beginner's Guide To Studying In Canada

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Accommodation Options

There are a variety of options to choose from related to accommodation. In the first year, the usual option is the university residences. Thereafter, the option is available to go for apartment accommodation with friends along with the option of private accommodation. The objective of the university is to make the students feel comfortable and integrated.

Support Services

A strong area of Canadian universities is the support services extended to international students. They have robust mentoring schemes to accommodate all international students to the maximum extent possible.


Another reason why Canadian universities are so successful is the mentoring scheme. When an applicant is accepted into a chosen course, the person is matched with a university mentor. Feedback indicates that it is a great idea and has helped students adapt to the new environment faster.

Canada is no doubt one of the best places to live in. It boasts of some of the picturesque landscape in the world, and it’s just only chilling winter, others seasons exist too.

We are the top Canada student visa agents in Ludhiana. Feel free to share your thoughts.